Sunday, September 27, 2020

Los Angeles Times Endorses David Berger for Judge - "The Better Choice"

 In the March 3, 2020 primary election the Los Angeles Times endorsed David Berger for Judge. Much has changed in our world since then and rather than simply repeating their endorsement, the LA Times took the time and trouble to re-examine all the candidates for the November 3, 2020 general election to see which of the candidates are best suited to handling the challenges of our changed world. 

The Times stated that they had made their endorsement of judicial candidates "according to the qualities we deem essential: integrity, intelligence, compassion, knowledge of and respect for the law, and an ability to run a courtroom with a sense of fairness." I am delighted to say that the Times renewed their endorsement of David Berger for Judge.

The LA Times joins the vast majority of individuals, organizations, and civic leaders in concluding that "Berger is the better choice" for Judge of the Los Angeles County Superior Court, Office No. 80.


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